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Messages - Joshua

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I'ma be honest. I can't tell if this is AI spam or not and it's kind of bothering me.

General Discussion / Re: New Twitter logo looks like a porn site
« on: July 28, 2023, 10:54:11 PM »
What happened was when he went to Shanghai he had to use WeChat and he loved it.

Super apps will never take off in the rest of the world. I mean for fucks sake you can't even get Americans to agree to use WhatsApp. Like the only reason so many people use Instagram is because Facebook bought all of the competition, including Instagram.

There's also the issue is security. WeChat, for all intents and purposes, is a gov app. I have to use it for so many government things, especially during the zero COVID era. This would imply it gets state backing for not only finances but security too. Twitter breaks if a fraction of the user base logs in. Now imagine it having everyone's stored financial information. Twitter would be getting hacked daily.

While I'm sure EU and US gov would like a super app i don't think they'd sponsor this one. Especially since Elon's a well known liar/grifter who will cowtow to any foreign leaders to raise the stock if Tesla by .0000001%. He's easily bought, which is funny since he's supposed to be the world's richest man.

Finally, FB already does this. FB not only has a market but they have a financial payment system. I used it when one website didn't accept Paypal. Facebook even has a built in Amazon like feature that no one uses, or it was disabled. I used to buy from people's Facebook stores. In fact this was how a lot of Japanese artist and game studios would sell stuff to the west for a bit. So, we have a working super app with these features already and no one uses it because it's for boomers.

Hell, Facebook was running miniapps before WeChat was even a thought. Actually Facebook did a lot of this before WeChat now that i think about it. Twitter can't even display ads unless they're tweets because their system will fucking crash and burn displaying anything other than a Twitter feed.

Music / What do y'all use to make a surf rock sound?
« on: July 28, 2023, 06:41:16 AM »
I'm curious what others use to make a surf rock sound.

Currently I just abuse my Orange20's dirty channel and an Immerse Reverberator Mk II for a spring pedal. It doesn't sound as surf rocky as I would like, but it's the best I got right now.

Gaming Hub / How is the graded market doing?
« on: July 28, 2023, 06:38:02 AM »
I know it's a scam, but I always loved looking at it for a laugh.
So, how is the graded market doing? I saw people at Too Many Games trying to sell graded Tears of the Kingdom for over 200 bones.

General Discussion / Re: New Twitter logo looks like a porn site
« on: July 28, 2023, 06:34:34 AM »
No joke when I went to Twitter on my new phone as a tunneling test I saw the X logo on my favorites. I was like, "What the fuck? I've not even looked at porn on this phone, yet."

I think this will be a bigger fuck up than when Survey Monkey changed their name, and when Survey Monkey changed their name people internally still called it Survey Monkey. Even the code still called the site Survey Monkey.

General Discussion / New Twitter logo looks like a porn site
« on: July 26, 2023, 10:32:22 AM »
I know this has been said nonstop but it truly does. I'm wondering if this will force parents into uninstalling the app from their kid's devices.

General Discussion / Re: Hello all
« on: July 13, 2023, 05:34:21 AM »
May Allah bless you.

Question. Do y'all think it's hard to tell when there are new posts?

Wondering if it's worth my time to make that easier for others on this theme or to make an offshoot where it is easier.

Gaming Hub / Re: What are y'all playing lately?
« on: July 12, 2023, 01:21:45 AM »
Oh that's pretty interesting. I just couldn't get into Minecraft. Dreading when I have kids because I'll have to play it, but I know CaptD loves Minecraft.

No joke there's a way to USB raid these days. You set up a massive raid drive and then just usb enclose it

General Discussion / Re: Hello all
« on: July 09, 2023, 11:51:53 PM »
Mobile version working well


I feel like the current mobile one makes editing profiles harder. My CSS3 is awful so, not like I can whip something up. Guess I need to study that.

Gaming Hub / Re: What are y'all playing lately?
« on: July 09, 2023, 10:56:26 PM »
Wtf is minecraft pixelmon?

I should snag a pi and try it then. I forget if sd cards have the same issue as usbs do where you can't put on a file bigger than 4gb.

Updates and Rules / A Mobile friendly theme is the default now
« on: July 09, 2023, 05:51:12 AM »
Hiya, I've replaced the main theme with a more mobile device friendly one. If you like the old one you can change back to it from your profile settings. This will be the only time I will force a theme change. In the future any new themes added, even if it's a forum default one, you will need to manually change it yourself.

Gaming Hub / What are y'all playing lately?
« on: July 09, 2023, 05:35:33 AM »
Right now I am playing Anacrusis. If you have it on PC or Xbox we can play together, unsure if they'll make a PS5 version.

I'm also playing Killing Floor 2 and trying to get back into KoF with 15.

I want to get a Blood Bowl 2 season going, I've 3 friends back in the US who are interested. We just need a min of 6 players, but the more the better!

Single player:
I just bought steep and I have been suffering through Persona 5.

General Discussion / Re: Hello all
« on: July 08, 2023, 11:03:00 PM »
I'm turning this into Tumblr 7.0 now

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