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General Discussion / Re: Hello all
« Last post by Joshua on July 08, 2023, 10:40:18 AM »
Welcome, Dingle. I 2 r forum fanz
General Discussion / Hello all
« Last post by CptnD on July 08, 2023, 09:06:51 AM »
Great work on setting this up. I am a forum fan.  :-*
Updates and Rules / Re: Sorry about a fresh install
« Last post by Joshua on July 07, 2023, 12:08:36 PM »
Yeah. It's not as sleek as the new one, that's for damn sure but it works!

Please don't magically set on file while I am sleeping tonight. ;-;
Updates and Rules / Re: Sorry about a fresh install
« Last post by Joypad Lad on July 07, 2023, 12:05:49 PM »
Thanks for the shout out!

Glad to help and glad to see that it's all working now with the rollback.
Updates and Rules / Suggestions
« Last post by Joshua on July 07, 2023, 11:49:38 AM »
Fresh install so what suggestions do y'all have for things to add?
Updates and Rules / Rules
« Last post by Joshua on July 07, 2023, 11:49:16 AM »
1 - Don't be a dick to each other. You don't have to like each other but part of growing up is learning to handle when others disagree with you. You can argue and disagree but keep personal insults to a minimum.

2 - No illegal shit, duh. Not only does this include your local laws but also US laws.

3 - You must mark NSFW content as such. We currently do not have an NSFW board, if there is a demand we'll get one. Right now try to keep NSFW stuff to outward urls only. PMs is between y'all but don't go pulling a Tim B^Uckly and sending flaccid dick pics to other users.

4 - Thread necroing is allowed. We've all had issues when Googling stuff where threads were locked before there was an answer. This is annoying. Having a megathread dedicated to a subject is helpful, especially for help stuff. You won't get in trouble for posting a new thread either. If it is too similar to the other thread we'll just merge it, no biggie. If it isn't then we have a new thread.

5 - Tunneling software is allowed. I'm not going to stop you from using one. On the opposite I actively encourage it. Keep your information safe.
Updates and Rules / Sorry about a fresh install
« Last post by Joshua on July 07, 2023, 11:43:23 AM »
So, it turns out the newest version of SMF had some major issues. I've downgraded to the latest version of the older version (don't worry it's still updated) until I can get the newest version to work in my testing environment. It wasn't only me. Tons of people were having issues with the newest version of SMF. Something's borked about the install.

When we do upgrade, or rather if, I will make sure to carry over all the databases. You can't port 2.2 to 2.0 but you can port 2.0 to 2.2. You won't have to register again.

Things fixed with this downgrade:
HTTPS not working. Yeah, I have an SSL but the other version of SMF refused it.
Links work! Horray! Here's a test! Thank you JoyPadLad for showing me this issue. It's apparently a big issue with the new 2.2 SMF.
Your profiles fully work!
All of my admin back end works! - lol yes in 2.2 I was having backend issues. I fixed some of them but holy fuck was that annoying. I promise you 2.0 is much more stable.
General Discussion / Welcome to SMF!
« Last post by Simple Machines on July 07, 2023, 11:32:25 AM »
Welcome to Simple Machines Forum!

We hope you enjoy using your forum.  If you have any problems, please feel free to ask us for assistance.

Simple Machines
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