How Do You Consume Movies & Television?

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Joypad Lad

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How Do You Consume Movies & Television?
« on: July 08, 2023, 01:17:50 PM »
I am curious to see where everyone is at with how they consume movies and television these days.

Do you only purchase digitally or do you still have a physical library?

Do you pay for any streaming services?

Do you mostly just watch YouTube?

Do you have an archive of downloaded shows or movies?

Do you still watch live TV?

Do you still see movies in theater?

Personally, I am buying more DVDs lately (especially seasons of shows). I don't pay for any streaming services, but we get Paramount+ free with ads. I have a lot of shows and movies downloaded (mostly wrestling) and I have a Raspberry Pi with KODI installed on it. I don't watch any sports anymore, so with that, I don't watch any live TV. Overall, I don't watch much TV regardless and most of what I "watch" but mostly listen to is YouTube while I am working (which is most of the day, everyday).

I am big on keeping your own personal archives of either physical or digital video as I don't trust the future will have everything as easily available especially as media rights keep changing and old shows keep being censored.



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Re: How Do You Consume Movies & Television?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2023, 10:51:50 PM »
I rip my DVDs and BDs onto a USB and watch them on my TV from the USB drive.

I prefer buying DVDs and BDs over digital purchases because I like the extras. I have watched the extras to Sin City quite a few times.

If DVD/BD players weren't region locked I'd just use them but pain in my fucking ass.

How is it using a Kodi box?

As for YouTube (I'm actually writing a blog post about it) I think people don't understand the purpose of it anymore. Almost everything you "watch" on YouTube is an auditory stimulant only. Outside of Scott the Woz and Civvie11 I can't think of anyone who still takes advantage of the visual medium of YouTube anymore. Majority of people are just reading Reddit/Wikias for content anyways.
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Joypad Lad

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Re: How Do You Consume Movies & Television?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2023, 10:16:11 PM »
How is it using a Kodi box?

It's actually pretty good after I did a lot of tweaks with it. It's not perfect but it's great being able to have all of my stuff offline and in a streaming service style interface.

It is fun organizing everything and making it look good, but takes a lot of time.



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Re: How Do You Consume Movies & Television?
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2023, 10:55:29 PM »
I should snag a pi and try it then. I forget if sd cards have the same issue as usbs do where you can't put on a file bigger than 4gb.
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Joypad Lad

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Re: How Do You Consume Movies & Television?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2023, 12:38:31 PM »
I should snag a pi and try it then. I forget if sd cards have the same issue as usbs do where you can't put on a file bigger than 4gb.

I'm not sure, but all of my movies are on a USB drive connected to it and I have multiple external hard drives that I have packed with shows. One for all my TV and two for wrestling (pre-2000 and 2000-now).

The only issue I have come across is it doesn't let me connect two of those external drives at one time.



  • Monkey Jannie
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Re: How Do You Consume Movies & Television?
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2023, 01:31:08 PM »
No joke there's a way to USB raid these days. You set up a massive raid drive and then just usb enclose it
I cry ketchup and BBQ sauce.